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Tirée de la vidéo de Florent Garcia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPaZmglRrjQ
La liste d’albums conseillés :
- Frank Ocean, Blond
- Radiohead, A Moon Shaped Pool
- Jackson and his computer band, Glow
- Billie Eilish, When we all fall asleep…
- Beck, Morning Phase
- Alessandro Cortini, Avanti
- Bring me the horizon, Post-Human : Survival Horror
- Carly Rae Japsen, E MO TION
- Carpenter Brut, Trilogy
- Animals as Leaders, Parrhesia
- Flying Lotus, You’re dead
- Foy Vance, Signs of life
- Christine and the queens, Chris
- Bon Iver, 22, a million
- Ghost, Meliora
- Gojira, Fortitude
- Todd Terje, It’s album time
- Jack White, Fear of the dawn
- Jacob Collier, In my room
- Julian Lage, Modern Lore
- Kamasi Washington, the epic
- Kaytranada, 99.9%
- Kendrick Lamar, To pimp a butterfly
- Michael Kiwanuka, Kiwanuka
- Polyphia, New levels new devil
- Tom Misch, Geography
- Nine Inch Nails, Hesitation Marks
- Parcels, Day/Night
- Plini, Impulse Voices
- Daft Punk, Random Access Memories
- Silk Sonic, An evening with
- Sophie, Oil of every pearl’s un-insides
- Sunn O))), Pyroclasts
- Snarky Puppy, We like it here
(je me suis fait chier à la recopier alors autant que ça serve !)